What We Do

Clothing, DiaperS…More

We provide clothing in sizes Newborn through size 14/16 Kids PLUS Maternity Clothes.

Other items include diapers, wipes, toys, bottles/breastfeeding items, baby equipment, books, school uniforms/supplies and other items needed by families with children.

If you are in need of assistance, no referral is necessary and we do not require proof of need. For more information about our hours and items, click here.


safe sleep

Little Lamb's CMC has partnered with the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and Cribs for Kids in order to help families offer the safest sleep options for their new baby.

Click Here for more information. 


Food Pantry

Our food pantry is small but full of kids favorites. Offerings include boxed and canned items, shelf-milk and frozen meats. Simply add food as a need to the miscellaneous area on your appointment form.

Little Lamb’s ON WHEELs

Barrier Free Resources means there are times we take it all on the road. Partnering with First Responders and agencies across the county our goal is to show up where we are needed. For more information on MERV Click Here.
